
Throughout the years, we've had the opportunity to work on projects in the whole country.

  • Black Sea Highway – Feasibility Research

    The Black Sea highway route is a part of the road infrastructure of the trans-European transport corridor VIII, which connects the Black Sea region with the Adriatic and has the potential for combined transport.

  • Road I-1 Ruzhintsi-Montana-Vratsa

    The route Vidin-Dimovo-Bela-Ruzhintsi-Montana-Vratsa is part of the Trans-European transport corridor “Orient/East-Med Corridor” according to Regulation / EU / 1315/2013. The beginning of the route is the end of the infrastructure of the Danube Bridge 2, and the end - the beginning of the bypass of the town of Vratsa. Currently, the E-79 road has a variable size, sections in different operational condition and a route passing through settlements. These facts lead to inconsistent low speed, congestion, road accidents, adverse environmental impacts, which do not satisfy the requirements of the main trans-European transport network according to Regulation (EU) No 1315/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2013 on Union guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network and a repeal of Decision No 661/2010 / EU (1).

  • Ruse – Veliko Turnovo Highway

    Engconsultproject Ltd. designed a conceptual project for the Ruse - Veliko Turnovo highway. The "Ruse - Veliko Turnovo" route is part of the Pan-European Highway (European Transport Corridor No. IX) connecting Europe with Istanbul and the Middle East, and from there to Africa. The construction of the Ruse - Veliko Turnovo highway will alleviate the traffic flow and lead to a sharp reduction of road traffic accidents along the existing I-5 road.